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Committees and Liaisons

The Association is governed by its by-laws/rules of operation. An elected Executive Committee represents the members and their institutions during intervals between Association meetings. Much of the Association’s activities are accomplished through NERA committees, in concert with national organizations and regional councils.

  • Northeast Multistate Activities Committee (NE-MAC)

    • Puneet Srivastava, MD (2023-2026) [Chair]

    • Jason White, CT-New Haven (2021-2024)

    • Blair Siegfried, PA (2023-2026)

    • Chris Smart, NY-Geneva (2023-2026)

    • Ali Mitchell, NEED (2021-2024)

    • Bill Miller, MA/NEED (2024-2027)

  • Northeast Academic Programs Section Liaison (NE-APS)

    • Vacant

  • NERA Liaison to Northeast Extension Directors (NEED)

  • Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Liaison (NE-IPM)

    • Alejandro Calixto, NY

  • Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD) Board of Directors

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